Sunday, December 28, 2008

My favorite: Onion Knight!

This is probably the 25th hour since I have started playing Dissidia: Final Fantasy. Out of 20 characters, I am particularly fond of Onion Knight, one of the protagonist from Final Fantasy III [Wiki]. Onion Knight actually is not the exact name of the protagonist, but it is the strongest job class in the game. And, that's why it makes sense it is the main representative of the game. So, why do I like him so much? Probably because he is small, the fastest in speed of all other characters, and he has very swift move. I somehow relate myself to him, in a way I always the shortest among my friends, and always hope I am very swift in moving. Anyway, it is fun playing him. I have been using him to do the dual fighting with the CPU, and will use him to fight with my colleague in the office soon! Yeah, I have recommended this game to one of my colleagues who has PSP, and we will play WiFi fight! Very looking forwards to it!

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