Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Square-Enix is showing more love to Apple

Square-Enix, yeah... you can tell somehow the stuff produced by this company always fits my taste perfectly. It has shown a lot of love in PS3, PSP, NDS, and some love on XBox360 (nowadays). And, I certainly love Dissidia: Final Fantasy on PSP, so love that I cannot stop talking about it. And now, Square-Enix is showing love on iPhone/iPod. Crystal Defenders is the second game after Song Summoner: The Unsung Heroes produced by Square-Enix for Apple. Well, I haven't tried Song Summoner mainly because I couldn't find it on iTunes Store. And, I somehow enjoy more Final Fantasy related stuff. This game is not about Final Fantasy, but it does use Final Fantasy characters, jobs, items, monsters, etc. So, it does give me a nostalgic feeling.

Crystal Defenders probably is one of those casual games, and it fits smartly on iPhone/iPod. What is the game all about? Simply put it, it is like that flash game Tower Defender. Basically, just pick and deploy any character with a job (e.g. archer, soldier, mage, etc. from Final Fantasy job classes) on the field, and start the wave of enemies (i.e., monsters from Final Fantasy) from stealing the crystals, i.e., reached the end of the route. There are quite some RPG elements too, like Gil (money of Final Fantasy). To deploy or upgrade the character, you have to spend Gil, but you can earn that by killing the monsters.

Easy and casual! Yeah, good for my iPhone!

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