Monday, December 22, 2008

Top 6 Handheld Games of 2008 (that I have actually completed)

Many games are released in Japan, America and of course Europe. There are so many that I don't even remember if the one that I really like is actually released in 2008 or not. And, somehow I feel like I haven't really spent a lot of time on games in 2008 (which is a good trend I guess). So, probably there aren't a lot of games that I really enjoy that I have really completed. Here, I list those that I really enjoy, and that I really will finish eventually (especially those that I got not long ago and those are in Japanese).

Without a doubt, this would be the best PSP game (or best game at least for me!) of all time, Dissidia: Final Fantasy. I don't understand a single word of Japanese (or maybe some that look like Chinese characters), yet I enjoy this game the most! In Dissidia, there is an ongoing conflict between two gods: Chaos, the god of dischord, and Cosmos, the goddess of harmony. The two gods have battled for eons, until Chaos summoned a number of villains from other universes to serve him. These villains built an army and decimated the forces of good, and the balance of power tipped in Chaos' favor. The few survivors of the forces of good have banded together to strike back at Chaos and his forces and return order to the universes. The fun is that it is not only button smash slashing, but also some strategic in it. More importantly it has so much RPG ingredients - customization, storyline, etc. And, well, of course, it also represents the 20th anniversary of Final Fantasy, that gathers all the main protagonists (and antagonists) of FF 1 till 12!

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII is released in North America on 25 March 2008, what a fate! With individual scores of 9/9/8/9, the game received an overall rating of 35/40 points from Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu. And, certainly it is one of the best PSP games ever made in 2008. It follows the story of Zack Fair, a best friend of Cloud Strife (of Final Fantasy VII). So, the game is actually a prequel of Final Fantasy VII. The game is visually stunning, and the game-play experience is nothing like any previous PSP games before - quick, stylish, intuitive, and never-boring. And, well, if anyone who has followed the story of Final Fantasy VII would be so touched by the storyline of this game. Some even cried at the end of the game...

The World Ends With You is released on 22 April 2008 in North America and 18 April 2008 in Europe. I picked up this game right away when it is released. Well, I didn't play the Japanese version like I am doing now with Dissidia because it sure really needs a (at least) basic knowledge of Japanese to get a hold of this game. Let me tell you, it worth the long wait. The amazingly stunning art style from Nomura certainly is one of the attraction points for me, but the innovative game play itself is another thing that boy I enjoy most on the DS platform -- it uses the both screens for controlling. The story is interesting enough -- it follows Neku Sakuraba, a 15-year-old teenager who somehow being an item of games for those Reapers. So, he has to finish some sort of missions with a partner in 7 days or else he dies.

Bleach Soul Carnival is a 2D platformer game of the Bleach manga. There are already a lot of Bleach-related games, but almost all of them are 1-on-1 fighting, which I dislike. Finally, this game provides me another experience of Bleach, and I picked up this game instantly. The experience could get a bit boring at the end, but luckily with so many characters to "pick" up and try, I haven't got bored with the game at all. So far I have spent about 30 hours in the game, and I certainly am taking my time to complete this game. Let's put it this way, this game for me is a casual game, which means I play it when I am really bored, and needs some quick slashing experience. But, I am afraid this is going to be replaced by Dissidia. By the way, another extra point for me is that this game also comes in Chinese!

There are two DS games that I am currently enjoying, which I think deserve some fame here. One is already been released in North America and one is just released in Japan. Chrono Trigger is one of those games that have won the hearts of most gamers. Chrono Trigger takes place on a fictional alternate timeline of earth as the characters frequently travel through time to obtain allies, gather equipment, or learn information for their quest. The time periods the characters travel to range from 65,000,000 B.C. at the dawn of civilization to 2300 A.D. in a post-apocalyptic world. The party also gains access to the End of Time (year \infty), which serves as a hub to travel back to other time periods. Eventually, the party is given the Epoch, a vehicle that is capable of time travel between any period without traveling to the End of Time first.

Alright, the game is in Japanese. And, the English version will be released on 17 March 2009. Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume is one of the item from the Valkyrie Profile franchise (I have played the PSP version, Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth). I guess I would pick up this game is also because of the PSP version. The game play is presented mainly from an isometric view. The player's two-dimensional character sprites move about on a three-dimensional map akin to those of a tactical role-playing game. I enjoy RPG, and I like strategic... And, the story is interesting enough. I think I will pick up the English version in 2009.

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